Welcome to Momence Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Our worship is Christ-centered, Joyful
and traditional, and involves expository preaching, fervent prayer, and regular sacraments.
Morning worship is at 9:30 AM
The Lord's Supper will be celebrated Sunday (02-09-25) during the morning service
Evening worship is at 6:00 PM
A hymn sing will start the service at 6:00 PM March 2, 2025
02/09/25 morning service 9:30 AM
sermon texts:
Genesis 1: 1
Psalm 102: 25-27
Isaiah 41:4
Psalm 90: 2,4
2 Peter 3: 8
sermon entitled: "God Is Eternal"
02/09/25 evening service 6:00 PM
sermon text: John 1: 35-42
sermon entitled: "The First Disciples"
1: www.youtube.com/@momenceopc
2: click on live
There will be a hymn sing at 6PM, 3/02/25, before the evening service commences.
We have Bible studies in Sunday School for all ages at 11:15 AM after the morning service.
Beginning Sunday October 6th, our children's Sunday school classes will begin a thirteen week study of John Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress. The material is geared toward 6-12 years of age and is published by Great Commission Publications.
We believe that worship is a powerful way to connect with God and experience His presence in our lives. Our worship services are designed to be uplifting, inspiring, and centered around the teachings of Christ.
At Momence Orthodox Presbyterian Church, we believe in taking our faith beyond the walls of our church and into the world. We are involved in a variety of local and global outreach programs, from feeding the hungry to supporting missionaries around the world.
(Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)
is a Christian club for girls in 2nd-8th
grades with Bible lessons, crafts and badge work. All of these "fun" activities bring Jesus into their daily lives, showing them they are accepted and loved for who they are - a child of God. G E M S usually meets on the 2nd & 4th MONDAY 3:30 - 500pm at Momence OPC in Momence. For further information contact Linda Hermen at 708-302-2765 or email ljhermen@gmail.com
G E M S with begin their season on Monday, September 16th. If you know girls that would like to join contact Linda Herman.
Adult Bible study every other
Wednesday at the church: 1:00PM
The next meeting will be 2/19/25. The study will be Hebrews 3: 12-14
The recommended commentary is
"Hebrews for You: Giving You an Anchor
for Your Soul" by Michael Kruger
If you wished to attend remotely, please
download the "Microsoft Teams" app to your device.
Momence Orthodox Presbyterian Church reaches out to members who need meals, such as families who have a new baby, or who are sick.
Pastor Keister is a trained counselor, and offers counseling services both to members and to people belonging to the community. Please feel free to contact him at (815-523-6270) if you are in need of this service.
Momence Orthodox Presbyterian Church provides Sunday School for children of all ages.
Momence Orthodox Presbyterian Church is delighted to host weddings for members of our church.
Momence Orthodox Presbyterian Church is the home of the Food Pantry for the villages of Momence and Grant Park. Every other Wednesday 12:00PM - 2:00PM, the Food Pantry feeds approximately 40-60 people. They also receive the Gospel message in a devotional that Pastor Lane Keister delivers. Diane Rumback is the coordinator for the food pantry. Please contact her at 815-662-7917, if you have any questions about this service.
Rev. Lane Keister is an ordained minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. From 2005-2017, he served in the Presbyterian Church in America, with calls in North Dakota and South Carolina. He came to Momence OPC in March of 2017. He graduated with a B.Mus. from St. Olaf College in 2000, and an M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminar
Rev. Lane Keister is an ordained minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. From 2005-2017, he served in the Presbyterian Church in America, with calls in North Dakota and South Carolina. He came to Momence OPC in March of 2017. He graduated with a B.Mus. from St. Olaf College in 2000, and an M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary, PA, in 2004. He is currently working on a Ph.D. from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in the field of Old Testament studies. He is married to Sarah, and has five children: Ila, James, Edmund, Arwyn, and Pearl. He enjoys reading, racquetball, chess, music, and board games with his kids.
Mr. Larry Hermen.
Mr. Don Egeler
Mr. Brian Peerbolte
Mr. Robert Schurman
We love to worship our Lord and fellowship together.
4132 N Illinois Route 1, Momence, Illinois 60954, United States